Project Overview
To construct a 1,200MW (600 MW x 2 units) capacity coal-fired power generation using ultra-supercritical (USC) technology and its relating infrastructure (e.g. coal importing port; electric lines) for the supply of electricity. The following are components funding by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).
- USC coal-fired power generation (2 x 600MW) coal importing port (maximum water depth approx. 18.5m).
- Power lines (e.g. 400kV power lines of approx. 92km; steel towers).
- Access roads (e.g. approx. 675km bridge; approx. 8.5km of new road constructions; approx. 34.5km of existing road repairs).
- Electrification of the surrounding area (25km of 132kV power lines; 132/33kV and 33/11kV substation; 33/11/6.35/0.4kV power distribution facility).
- Procurement of materials and equipment (e.g. large vehicles; meters; disaster prevention equipment).
- Consulting services (e.g. detailed designing; bid assistance; construction supervision; organization strengthening).
Our Role
SMEC, with our local subsidiary ACE Consultants is providing consultancy services for Design, Construction Supervision of Matarbari Ultra Super Critical Coal Fired Power Project. Responsibilities include:
- Review of Feasibility Study and Implementation Program
- Basic Design (Power Plant, Coal & Ash Handling Terminal)
- Tender Assistance
- Project Management Support
- Inspection, Testing and Delivery Control
- Construction Supervision and certification
- Facilitation of Implementation
- Technology Transfer
- Feasibility Study for Rural Electrification
- Conduct HIV/AIDS Prevention Program
- Environmental Survey
- Pre – arbitral decision
- Safety control of the project
- Location:
- Matarbari, Cox's Bazar District, Chittagong Division, Bangladesh.
- Technical Area:
- Power
- Client:
- Coal Power Generation Company Bangladesh Limited(CPGCL
- Project Start:
- Project Completed:
- On Going