ACE works in a wide range of diversified infrastructure projects which includes construction of roads, bridges/culverts, drainage facilities, buildings, markets to social mobilization, empowerment and environmental protection. Also, ACE’s services cover: all architectural services, structure plan, master plan and detailed area plan of cities; Survey data processing; computer aided drafting and mapping; conventional and internet-based software development; development of new Graphical User Interfaces for existing systems; different kinds of mapping (hazard, environmental, agricultural, cadastral, urban etc.); conversion of paper maps and engineering drawings to digital format; database design & implementation; statistical analysis with database; development of tailor-made programs, user interface, etc. In Education, Health, and Social Development sectors ACE also conducts feasibility studies for establishing institutions, detailed project report, educational planning and administration, manpower planning and forecasting, institutional planning, sector studies, tracer studies, curriculum development, training needs assessment, etc. Health services planning, infrastructure and facility planning, equipment planning, furniture planning, project management, construction supervision of infrastructures etc.