Bangladesh is a riverine country and depends on agriculture and fisheries for its economy. Thus, water resource management has top priority among the technological development schemes in Bangladesh. Water resource management includes irrigation for agricultural farming, drainage for minimizing water clogging, protection measures against flooding, construction of hydraulic structures, etc. ACE’s services include: feasibility study, design and construction supervision of water resources development project, hydrological and meteorological studies, hydraulic analysis, irrigation and water management, flood control, drainage, bank protection and river training works, design of water structures, conservation and utilization of surface water, flood forecasting, design of dams, canal, barrage, head works, flood control embankments, spillways, sluices, sluice gates, culverts, pumping stations, char development study and implementation, shore protection, sea walls, groynes, land reclamation, supervision and quality control of water resources development projects, etc. ACE also provides feasibility study, detailed design and construction supervision of water supply and sanitation projects, water supply system management and standardization, planning on the water allocation, sub-zoning and NRW reduction, field leakage detection survey, distribution network management, facility design and construction supervision, organizational restructuring, training and technology transfer for water supply personnel, all works related to municipal services engineering, sewerage, urban roads, drainage, solid waste disposal etc. ACE has played a pioneer role in the consultancy services for agriculture and fisheries development in Bangladesh. Its services include agricultural and fisheries development studies, irrigation and drainage facilities, agro socio-economic studies, crop diversification, livestock development, survey and investigation, environmental protection, design of infrastructures for agricultural and fisheries development, evaluation of fisheries resources and development potential in beels and canals, agricultural research management, supervision of construction works, etc. Environmental studies leading to initial environmental examination, environmental and environmental mitigation plan leading to physical intervention to natural environment.