Project Overview
The Chittagong Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (CWASA) is in the implementation of a project constructing a 60,000 m’/day water treatment plant including water intake facility, two water reservoirs and water transmission and distribution main pipelines (named Bhandal jhuri Water Supply Project; abbreviated as BJWSP”) with Korean EDCF Loan provided by the Export-Import Bank of Korea and the development funds of the Government of Bangladesh (GOB). In order to further improve the water supply service in Chittagong, CWASA plans to undertake Bhandal Jhuri Water Supply Project (BJWSP).
Our Role
ACE Consultants is providing consultancy services for Design, Construction Supervision and related service under Bhandaljuri Water Supply Project.The consulting services shall be provided by an Korean international consulting firm (hereinafter referred to as “the Consultant”) in association with national consultants in compliance with Guidelines for the Employment of Consultants under Korean EDCF Loans (November, 2014).The objective of the consulting services is to achieve the efficient and proper preparation and implementation of the Project through the following works:
- Detailed design of WTP & Residential Building.
- Tender Assistance. Assistance in the Bidding for Award of Contractor(s) undertaking Construction Works. Assistance in the Bidding for Procurement of Equipment and Materials for Service Connections and Equipment and Vehicles for O&M
- Construction supervision
- Facilitation of implementation of Environmental Management Plan (EMP), and Environmental Monitoring Plan (EMoP)
- Capacity Development for CWASA
- Location:
- Chittagong, Bangladesh
- Technical Area:
- Water
- Client:
- Chittagong Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (CWASA)
- Project Start:
- Project Completed:
- On Going